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What is Assault on a Family Member in Texas?

Aug 11, 2023   Legal Tips

Assault on a family member is a serious legal matter that is taken very seriously in the state of Texas. This offense involves intentionally causing bodily harm or making a credible threat of harm to a family or household member. The laws surrounding assault on a family member can be complex, and understanding the implications is crucial for both the accused and the victim. In this article, we’ll delve into the specifics of what constitutes assault on a family member in Texas, the legal consequences, and the available remedies.

Assault on a family member is a grave offense in Texas, encompassing various aspects of the law and personal rights. From defining what this offense entails to the potential legal ramifications, this article aims to provide an insightful overview to better grasp the gravity of the situation.


In the state of Texas, assault on a family member is considered a criminal act that involves causing harm or threatening a family or household member. The implications of such an offense are significant and can lead to severe legal consequences for the accused. It is essential to understand the nuances of this offense and the potential outcomes for both the victim and the defendant.

Defining Assault on a Family Member

Assault on a family member is legally defined as intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person who is a family or household member. This offense also includes making a credible threat of imminent harm to a family or household member. Family members include spouses, former spouses, parents, children, individuals related by blood or marriage, and individuals who are or were in a dating relationship.

Types of Assault on a Family Member

Simple Assault

Simple assault involves intentionally or knowingly causing bodily injury to a family member, making threats that reasonably cause fear of imminent bodily injury, or engaging in offensive physical contact. It is categorized as a Class A misdemeanor, with penalties including fines and up to one year in county jail.

Aggravated Assault

Aggravated assault on a family member is a more severe offense, encompassing acts that cause serious bodily injury, involve the use of a deadly weapon, or result in strangulation. The penalties for aggravated assault are much more substantial, including higher fines and longer prison sentences.

Legal Consequences

Criminal Penalties

Individuals convicted of assault on a family member can face substantial fines, probation, mandatory counseling or anger management classes, and even imprisonment. The severity of the penalties depends on various factors, including the degree of bodily injury, the presence of a deadly weapon, and the defendant’s criminal history.

Protective Orders

In cases of assault on a family member, the court may issue protective orders or restraining orders to safeguard the victim from further harm. These orders can restrict the defendant’s contact with the victim and require them to stay a certain distance away from the victim’s residence or workplace.

Proving Assault on a Family Member

Burden of Proof

To secure a conviction for assault on a family member, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant intentionally or recklessly caused bodily injury or made a credible threat of harm to a family or household member.

Evidence Consideration

The court will consider various types of evidence, including medical records, eyewitness testimonies, photographs of injuries, and any documented history of domestic violence between the parties involved.

Possible Defenses


A common defense in assault cases is self-defense. If the defendant can prove that they acted in self-defense to protect themselves from imminent harm, the charges may be reduced or dropped.

Lack of Intent

In some cases, the defendant’s actions may not have been intentional, which could be used as a defense strategy. Lack of intent to cause harm might result in a reduction of charges.

Domestic Violence Intervention Programs

Counseling and Treatment

Courts may order defendants to attend counseling or treatment programs aimed at addressing issues of anger management, violence, and family dynamics.

Anger Management

Anger management programs help individuals recognize and control their anger, reducing the likelihood of future violent outbursts.

Seeking Legal Assistance

Importance of Legal Counsel

If you or a loved one is facing charges of assault on a family member, seeking legal representation is essential. An experienced defense attorney can provide guidance and build a strong defense strategy.

Role of a Defense Attorney

A defense attorney will assess the details of the case, gather evidence, interview witnesses, and advocate on behalf of the defendant in court.

Navigating the Legal Process

Arrest and Booking

If arrested for assault on a family member, the defendant will go through the arrest and booking process, which includes taking fingerprints and photographs.

Court Proceedings

The defendant will have the opportunity to enter a plea, and if necessary, the case will proceed to trial. During the trial, both the prosecution and defense will present their arguments and evidence.

Understanding Your Rights

Right to Remain Silent

Defendants have the right to remain silent during questioning by law enforcement to avoid self-incrimination.

Right to Legal Representation

All defendants have the right to legal representation. If unable to afford an attorney, one may be appointed by the court.

Impact on Immigration Status

Consequences for Non-Citizens

Non-citizen defendants convicted of assault on a family member may face deportation or other adverse immigration consequences.

Seeking Legal Help for Non-Citizens

It’s crucial for non-citizen defendants to seek legal assistance to navigate both the criminal and immigration aspects of their case.

Protective Orders and Restraining Orders

Differences Between Orders

Protective orders and restraining orders have distinct legal implications and conditions, and violating these orders can lead to additional criminal charges.

Violation Consequences

Violating a protective order or restraining order can result in fines, imprisonment, or both, depending on the severity of the violation.

Addressing Long-Term Consequences

Criminal Record Implications

A conviction for assault on a family member can have lasting consequences, affecting employment opportunities, housing, and other aspects of life.

Rebuilding Family Relationships

After the legal process, seeking therapy or counseling can aid in rebuilding strained family relationships and addressing the underlying issues.


Assault on a family member is a grave offense in Texas, with significant legal and personal implications. It is crucial for both victims and defendants to understand their rights, seek legal assistance, and explore options for resolution and rehabilitation. By addressing the complexities of this issue, society can work towards reducing instances of family violence and creating safer communities.


  1. Can a family member drop charges in an assault case? In an assault case, the decision to drop charges ultimately rests with the prosecuting attorney, not the victim. However, the victim’s cooperation can influence the prosecution’s decision.
  2. Is assault on a family member a felony in Texas? Assault on a family member can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances. Aggravated assault is typically a felony offense.
  3. Can I get a protective order against a family member who assaulted me? Yes, if you have been a victim of an assault by a family member, you can seek a protective order to help ensure your safety.
  4. What should I do if I’m accused of assault on a family member? If accused of assault on a family member, it’s crucial to seek legal counsel immediately. An attorney can help protect your rights and navigate the legal process.
  5. How can I rebuild relationships with family members after an assault case? Rebuilding relationships after an assault case requires open communication, therapy, and a commitment to addressing the underlying issues that led to the incident.