What Are the Safest and Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Corpus Christi, TX?

Over 18,000 crimes were reported to the Corpus Christi Police Department in 2024. This number reflects the unfortunate reality that Corpus Christi can be a dangerous city to live in or visit. The city’s crime rate in 2022 was 794.5 crimes per 100,000 residents, a rate higher than Raleigh, NC, Miami, FL, and Virginia Beach, VA. While accurate, these numbers do not paint a complete picture of crime in Corpus Christi. Despite its above-average crime rate, not every part of Corpus Christi is as dangerous as other areas. Staying safe in this coastal city involves not only practicing safe behaviors but also knowing where you are more likely to encounter dangerous situations. Read this article by a Corpus Christi criminal defense attorney and learn about this beautiful city.
Where Do the Most (and Least) Violent Offenses Occur in Corpus Christi?
The Corpus Christi Police Department’s crime map reveals that person-on-person crimes like assaults, robberies, homicides, and sexual assaults occurred throughout the city in 2024. However, by looking at only where homicides and sexual assaults occurred, it is easier to see where you should be cautious.
South of Agnes Street
A wedge of streets lying between Agnes Street, Highway 358, and Old Brownsville Road experienced a relatively low number of major criminal acts during 2024. This is likely due to its proximity to the airport and few residential neighborhoods in the area. As you get closer to Old Brownsville Road, the number of crimes increases significantly.
North of Agnes Street and Interstate 37
The area lying between Agnes Street and I-37 between TX-286 and Highway 358 only experienced a single homicide and about ten percent of the city’s more than 70 sexual assaults in 2024. There were three additional homicides south of Agnes Street and another one north of I-37, so be careful if you venture outside of these boundaries.
West of Texas A&M Corpus Christi
The Texas A&M Corpus Christi campus is along the coastline south and east of downtown Corpus Christi. Just west of campus, between Highway 358 to the south and Everhart Road to the west, is another neighborhood that saw only a single homicide in 2024. There were approximately four sexual assaults in this same area, approximately one every three months.
South of Agnes Street, Between Shoreline Boulevard and South Staples Street
This narrow neighborhood is bordered on the east by the Gulf of Mexico and experienced very few sexual assaults and homicides during 2024. As you continue south, staying between Ocean Drive and South Alameda Street will keep you in low-crime neighborhoods. The further west you venture from Staples and Alameda, the higher the number of homicides and sexual assaults.
North of Downtown Corpus Christi
Finally, the area just north of downtown Corpus Christi saw just one sexual assault in all of 2024 and no homicides. This area stretches from Martin Luther King Drive in the south to the Union Pacific railroad line in the north and from North Broadway Street in the east to Nueces Bay Boulevard in the west.
Other Crimes Abound in Corpus Christi
Although the areas mentioned did not have high numbers of reported sexual assaults or homicides, nearly every part of the city experienced lesser offenses like robbery and assault. Therefore, it is imperative that you remain alert to your surroundings when you are traveling in or through Corpus Christi. Areas directly to the south of downtown and inland, such as around South Port Avenue and Crosstown Freeway South, are some of the worst neighborhoods in Corpus Christi for homicides and sexual assaults. Trust your instincts and avoid traveling to areas you do not feel comfortable in. If possible, travel with another adult to further deter criminals. By practicing these simple preventive measures and knowing where major crimes are less likely to occur, you can reduce your chances of being a victim of one.
Contact the Texas Criminal Defense Attorneys at Barton & Associates Attorneys at Law. Call us at (210) 500 0000
For more information, please contact the criminal defense law firm of Barton & Associates Attorneys at Law in Texas.
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922 S Alamo St,
San Antonio, TX 78205
(210) 500 0000
Barton & Associates Attorneys at Law, PLLC Corpus Christi
5110 Wilkinson Dr Suite 210,
Corpus Christi, TX 78415
(361) 8006 780