Arrested While Holding A Professional License: What Happens Next?

Mar 16, 2023   Legal Tips

If you hold a professional license, such as a license to practice law or medicine, an arrest can be devastating to both your personal and professional life. Being arrested can lead to disciplinary action, suspension, or even revocation of your license, and in some cases, the end of your career. In this article, we will discuss what happens when you are arrested while holding a professional license and how to protect yourself.

What is a Professional License?

Before we dive into the consequences of being arrested while holding a professional license, it’s essential to understand what a professional license is. A professional license is a legal document that certifies an individual to practice a specific profession. It is a legal requirement for individuals who wish to work in certain professions, such as law, medicine, or engineering. Professional licenses are issued by state or federal agencies and are subject to regulation by those agencies.

Consequences of Being Arrested While Holding a Professional License

When you are arrested, your professional license may be at risk. The consequences can vary depending on the nature of the offense, the type of license you hold, and the policies of the licensing agency. Here are some of the possible consequences of being arrested while holding a professional license:

1. Disciplinary Action

Your licensing agency may take disciplinary action against you, even if you have not been convicted of a crime. This action may include revocation, suspension, or probation of your license. The licensing agency may also require you to attend counseling or treatment programs.

2. Professional Reputation

Being arrested while holding a professional license can damage your reputation and credibility. This can negatively affect your business and clients may lose trust in you. Your reputation is essential to your career, and an arrest can significantly impact it.

3. Employment Opportunities

An arrest can also limit your employment opportunities, even if your license is not affected. Employers may be hesitant to hire someone with a criminal record, especially in certain professions.

Steps to Take When Arrested While Holding a Professional License

If you are arrested while holding a professional license, there are specific steps you should take to protect yourself and your license. Here are some of the steps you should take:

1. Contact an Attorney

Contact an experienced attorney who understands the law and regulations surrounding your profession. Your attorney can help you understand your rights, the charges against you, and the potential consequences for your license.

2. Notify Your Licensing Agency

You must notify your licensing agency of your arrest. Failure to do so can result in further disciplinary action. Your attorney can help you navigate this process and ensure you provide the appropriate information.

3. Cooperate with Law Enforcement

Cooperate with law enforcement during the arrest and subsequent investigation. Avoid making any statements without consulting with your attorney.

4. Mitigate the Damage

Take steps to mitigate the damage to your professional reputation. This may include notifying clients or employers of the situation and being transparent about the situation.

Being arrested while holding a professional license can be a traumatic experience, both personally and professionally. However, it’s essential to remember that there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your license. Contacting an experienced attorney, notifying your licensing agency, and cooperating with law enforcement can help mitigate the damage and protect your career.

In conclusion, being arrested while holding a professional license can have severe consequences on both your personal and professional life. It’s essential to take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your license, including contacting an attorney, notifying your licensing agency, and cooperating with law enforcement. With the right strategy and support, it is possible to mitigate the damage and protect your career in the long term.


1. Can I lose my professional license if I’m arrested but not convicted?

Yes, you can lose your professional license even if you are not convicted of a crime. Licensing agencies have the authority to take disciplinary action based on an arrest alone.

2. Can I continue to practice while my license is suspended?

No, you cannot practice while your license is suspended

3. How long will my license be suspended?

The length of your license suspension can vary depending on the severity of the offense and the policies of your licensing agency. It’s best to consult with an attorney to understand the potential consequences of your specific situation.

4. Will my arrest be public information?

In most cases, yes, your arrest will be public information. However, certain details may be restricted due to privacy laws. It’s important to consult with an attorney to understand your rights and responsibilities regarding public disclosure.

5. Can I get my license reinstated after it has been suspended or revoked?

In some cases, yes, you may be able to get your license reinstated after it has been suspended or revoked. However, the process can be complex, and you may need to meet certain requirements, such as attending counseling or treatment programs. It’s best to consult with an attorney to understand your options for reinstatement.

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